Musica Semper Viva 2023

Musica Semper Viva 2024 June 22-July 9th PRELIMINARY ITINERARY   Saturday – June 22 Check-in at the            Accommodation ****IRIS EDEN Congress Hotel 7:00 pm – dinner and welcome party, 8:00 pm    Valasek Folk Dance Group performance   Sunday – June 23 After breakfast – rehearsal 12:30 Coach transfer to Old Town (please note that […]

Musica Semper Viva 2019 Schedule

3rd MUSICA SEMPER VIVA GERMAN, POLISH, LATVIAN, LITHUANIAN, ESTONIAN AND FINNISH TOUR – MAY 31-JUNE 18, 2019 ITINERARY PRELIMINARY ITINERARY Friday – May 31 Check-in at the ****Congress Hotel Hyperion, Berlin 7:00 pm – dinner and welcome party Saturday – June 1 After breakfast rehearsal 2:00 am – choir concert visit 3:00 pm – sightseeing tour of […]

3rd Musica Semper Viva 2019!

After a very successful Musica Semper Viva tour this summer (2018), CTA President Michal Svarc has decided to offer the program annually. I was enthusiastic with this decision as the tour from Prague through Austria, Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia was so rewarding. The performances were good, the arrangements first class, and the fellowship wonderful. Several […]

Second Musica Semper Viva is annonced!

MUSICA SEMPER VIVA 2018leták 2nd MUSICA SEMPER VIVA Club Tours Agency, Czech Republic’s finest organizer of choral tour programs, is pleased to announce continuation of MUSICA SEMPER VIVA, and exciting tour opportunity for singers. CTA has for many years organized excursions for travelling choral and instrumental ensembles in Central Europe. It is also the organizer […]


Itinerary 2016

MUSICA SEMPER VIVA CZECH, SLOVAKIAN, HUNGARIAN AND ROMANIAN TOUR – SUMMER 2016 ITINERARY Saturday – June 18 Afternoon – Check-in at the ****Amarilis Congress Hotel Meeting with our guide, rest time. 7:00 pm – dinner and welcome party at the hotel restaurant Sunday – June 19 9:00 am – after breakfast meeting at the lobby […]


Musica Semper Viva

Club Tours Agentur, The Czech Republic’s finest organizer of choral tour programs, is pleased to announce the creation of MUSICA SEMPER VIVA, a new and exciting tour opportunity for singers. Club Tours has for many years organized excursions for travelling choral and instrumental ensembles in Central Europe. It is also the organizer of many prestigious […]